惊蛰日祭虎爷打小人 Jing Zhe Day/Day the Insects Awaken

神明介绍 Deities & Gods

惊蛰日,又名白虎张口日,是冬眠的昆虫和动物被春天的第一声雷惊醒的日子; 也是传说白虎是口舌、是非之神,每年都会在这天出来觅食,犯之则在年内遭邪恶小人兴风作浪,阻挠前程发展,引致百般不顺。因此人们,尤其是广东人,认为他们应该祭白虎爷并举行“打小人”仪式,祈求贵人扶持、小人远离。


"Jing Zhe" Day, the Day the Insects Awaken, also known as the Day the White Tiger Lord (Lord of Gossip) Opens Its Mouth, is the day when the insects and animals that go into hibernation during the winter are awakened by the first thunderclap of Spring. This marks the start of activities by foul spirits, including villains and the White Tiger Lord. Chinese, especially the Cantonese, believe that they should make offerings to the White Tiger Lord and conduct the ‘Beat the Villain' ritual to prevent these foul spirits and villains from harming them.

"Jing Zhe" occurs on the 3rd of the 24 solar terms, usually beginning around 5 or 6 March and ending around 20 March.