玉皇大帝诞辰日为农历正月初九。 在这一天,道教庙宇举行玉皇大典,道士和居士都会跪拜、烧香和供素。The Jade Emperor's Birthday is on the 9th day of the first lunar month.
城隍诞 Feast of Cheng Huang Ye/The City God
城隍爷(“守护城河和城墙之神”或“界神”),是华人传统信仰中的地方守护神,是保护特定领域(比如城镇或村庄)以及当地居民的神灵。Cheng Huang Ye (literary “God of the Moat and the City Walls" or “God of the Boundary”) is commonly known as the City God.
七圣娘娘诞/七夕 Qi Xi Festival
七圣娘娘,又叫七娘妈、七娘夫人、七星夫人。农历七月初七日是娘娘的圣诞,也就是七夕、乞巧节。Qi Sheng Niang Niang is also known as Qi Niang Ma or the Seventh Star Empress. Her feast day takes place on the seventh day of the seventh Lunar Month, and is known as the Qi Xi Festival (The Seventh Night) or the Qi Qiao Festival.
中元普渡 Hungry Ghost Festival/Zhong Yuan Festival
农历七月半是道教的中元节或中元普渡,也是佛教的盂兰盆节,在东亚一些国家这是一个重要的传统节日。The Zhong Yuan Festival in Taoism or Yu Lan Pen Festival in Buddhism, often called the "Hungry Ghost Festival", is a traditional event in certain East Asian countries.